Friday, March 30, 2007

Highlights and Lowlights of my San Francisco vacation

* loosing your money :(
* breaking your camera :(
* hurting your leg :(
* having Lina with you :)
* the city itself :)
* Chris & Diana & other very cool people :)
Favorite words:
* interesting
* whatever
* seriously
Well so I lost my money somehow .. so Lina had to support me .. so now I am in debt [again] - not good .. My camera broke .. so I have only 155 pictures from two days or so .. it is sad, sad, sad. Bright side: I returned it so I can pay Lina back at least a half of the money I owe her .. though it is not good because I have no camera anymore :( and no money .. how much fun is this?? Oh well .. but God is faithful I met this guy named Chris and his sister Diana that I love so much by now :) they're just so cool ~ they bought me a dinner last day in SF and took Lina & me to the Muir woods (amazing place!) because you need a car to get there and they had one :) I had so much fun with these two Colorado people :) The city is so beatiful :) I thought all along the way that I'd love the Golden Gate Bridge the most .. but that's not true .. the best thing was Alcatraz!!! Seriously .. Diana and I will live there one day .. ;) seriously ;)
Despite all the bad stuff happening to me and making my life miserable .. overall experience is very good and I love San Francisco and I loved my vacation there. If I had the opportunity to live there I definitely would :)
(pictures coming soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lookin forward to see that pictures...hihi