Friday, March 16, 2007

Pray Pray Pray

priznavam sa tato piesen ma kusok mojho srdca. je uzasne pozorovat ako niekoho pretvara Duch Bozi, ked som prvy krat pocula tretiu slohu bolo mi jasne, ze tento clovek pozna Boha osobne a bolo to strasne cool, i ked sa to asi tazko chape, ze preco mam z toho taku radost. Takze nech sa paci: Paddy Kelly ~ Pray Pray Pray (In Exile, 2003)
[poznamka pre istu osobku: ano viem, je to zaspievane s afektom .. ]
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i have to admit this song owns a bit of my heart, it is always amazing to watch someone being changed by Holy Spirit and when I fisrt heard this song (especially the third part) it was clear to me that this man knows God personally and that was so cool, though maybe it is hard to understand why I am so happy for what's going on in his life (I'll explain if you ask). So here you go, enjoy:
Paddy Kelly ~ Pray Pray Pray (In Exile, 2003)

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